Saturday, February 26, 2011


So last night I went to my first club.. in Germany. It was mostly people from my school. I really wasn't feeling it. I bailed after an hour and a half. Ive been to bars and whatever, that's okay wtih me because its somewhat more relaxing and you can have an actual conversation wtih someone. This was just chaos... strobe lights, fog machines, extremely loud techno music, guys in tight shirts with spikey hair dancing by themselves showing off everywhere, etc. Not to mention, I am just really tired of woohoooo wasteddd party!!!! That really annoys me.. haha I think that me being older than everyone here just showed up really quickly. I am all for having fun, but I am too relaxed to be in a club. It's not exactly my idea of fun. Maybe it's because I wasnt with my friends... I was with friends, but no one that Im super comfortable around. At least I gave it a shot....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lane lines..

I have concluded that..
Lane lines in a pool are like cat-nip for kids..
they just simply can't resist crawling, rolling and flipping all over them..

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today I saw:
  1. A girl with close pins in her ears...
  2. A german Jamie Fox 
  3. A man AT THE CITY SWIMMING POOL... swimming in his WHITE tighty-whitey underpants........
successful day.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Big red art!!

from BEN!


WOOOOO!!!! mom and emma got here this morning..
they are asleep right now... hahaha

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Sven and I played squash again today.. we always end up laughing so hard that we can't even keep playing hahaha
just from our numerous misses...and today i hit the ball against the wall...too bad it  instantly bounced off and hit me in the head..

Cultural immersion is a funny funny thing

there's a point where stops being " you all" or "yours"...and become "we" and "our"