Language Barrier.. yes, this can be quite problematic in a country where you don't speak their language- with that said.. it makes for some good memories!
- On my first day at soccer practice.. I met a girl named Merle.. well I couldn't really understand her and I wasnt thinking so I thought she said Merde (meaning.. shit) so I just repeated Merde.. they had a good laugh at that!
- My host mom, my host sister and I went to Bremerhaven to see the ocean and go to this awesome museum called the Klimahaus- yes about the environment. It was so cool. We were eating lunch at this cool little restaurant.. my host mom was trying to translate some of the veggies for me. she said..carrots.. corn...onions then we got to cucumber which in German is Gurken..she said.....umm Gurkis?? We still laugh about it!
- have you ever heard of a soccer license??this new soccer team I am on required a soccer license from the USA.. I had no idea what a soccer license was. I contacted my coaches from home hoping that they would know.. apparently they didnt either!! but if I didnt have this license.. then I couldnt play any more..after exchanging a few emails with the soccer captain, I finally figured out that they needed a copy of my Players card from home... so simple...
- My host mom, host sister and I were in the grocery store.. and I asked if we had any cinnamon.. and they replied in German "yes we have cinnamon"... well it sounded like a jumble of words (like most things in German) and the German word for Cinnamon is Zimt.. I wasnt really thinking so I replied ahh okay..Zimtemberksdjfhdjf..they laughed.. for a long time...still laughing about that one actually hahaha
- I had met a girl for the first time at school and she invited me to her bday party that weekend.. her name is Anna Fetter.. (Fett in German means fat..) i was SO excited.. and i was telling my host family about it.. they asked me who it was and I said Anna Fetter.. they started dying laughing because htey thought that I messed up her name when in fact it is.. Anna "Fatter" so now they refer to her as that haha
- Kurbis... so Kurbis in German means pumpkin... and at soccer Merle put on an orange penny that made her look like a i said Kurbis!!! but I guess that I unintentionally put an accent on the Bis part so she had no idea what I was saying. But when she finally did, she made fun of me all night! and still does haha