Monday, November 1, 2010

A Wild Sheep Chase

The book that I am reading right now is called A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami. I am pretty early in the book so I can't quite critique it yet.. it's holding my interest so that's a good sign. Any way.. I woke up this morning and read some of it.. and I thought it was pretty funny but here is what I woke up to reading:
"There were of course, no whales in the aquarium. One whale would have been too big, even if you knocked out all the walls and made the entire awuarium into one tank. instead, the aquarium kept a whale penis on display. As a token, if you will. So that was my most impressionable years of boyhood were spent gazing at not a whale but a whales penis. Whenever I tired of strolling through the chill aisles of the aquarium, I'd steal off to my place on the bench in the hushed, high ceilinged stillness of the exhibition room and spend hours on end there contemplating this whales penis. At times it would remind me of a tiny shriveled palm tree; at other time, a giant ear of corn. In fact, if not for the plaque- WHALE GENITAL:MALE- no one would have taken it to be a whales penis. More likely an artifact unearthed from the Central Asian desert than a product of the Antarctic  Ocean. It bore no resemblance to my penis, not to any penis I'd ever seen. What was worse, the severed penis exuded a singular, somehow unspeakable aura of sadness."

It then proceeded to talk about this girl that he met up with. She was an ear model and he got in touch with her because he was blown away by her ears. They had a blind date set up and had dinner. They discussed her ears.. and she said " I am my ears and my ears are me."

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