Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Sunday (May 8) was my first marathon..
I had started training a while back.. but I started to get mentally ready for it a few weeks before...
any way.. I woke up at 6 am on Sunday morning.. ate a banana and took a few sips of that nasty power bar gel crap.. (bleee)
Evy and I then drove to Duesseldorf.. although it probablyw ould have been smarter to take teh train since the streets were closed.. oh well.. I hopped out and walked with a crowed to teh starting line.
right before we started the cyclist took off- there were more unicyclists than normal bikes.. how cool is that?
hahaha any way.. i was towards teh front.. which was kind of stupid because I very quickly drifted back..With all of the adrenalin, it's really hard to not want to take off at a fast pace with everyone..
however.. I had been doing some research and got my tempo & taper run under control.... I went at a slower pace for my first 13 miles.. and then slowly picked it up..
my hair thing broke right before the race started so i had to tie it together- somehow it stayed together.. haha
Any way... the race went by fast.. I never felt as though I had any doubts or that I couldnt go.. My Betreuer, Wolfgang, and Laura traveled with me as I ran.. so I saw them 3-4 times .. that was nice..
I was definitely relieved to cross teh finish line.. i felt an insane headache coming on ahha..
luckily right hwen I finished it was starting ot get really hot..
I actually started to cry a little but when I finished because I was so happy hahaha
I had a headache for the rest of the day..
Yesterday and today I feel fine.. my legs don't really hurt.. only my right one does which is strange..
but im glad that I did it!!!!!
I came in 166th out of 476 something women.. and second in my age group!!!

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